Thursday, May 31, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Goal of the Christian Life
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." - John 12:24
The goal of the Christian life is death, not success. A popular teaching says that if we follow God, we will prosper materially. God may, in fact, bless His people materially, but few can make this claim among third-world countries. Wealth must never be the goal of a person's life, only a by-product.
A missionary to a Middle-Eastern country has shared a motto among their ministry team: "God does not require success, but radical, immediate obedience." Jesus' obedience gained Him the cross. It did not gain Him popularity among the heathen, the religious or financial success, or a life of pleasure. His obedience resulted in His death on the cross. This is the same goal Christ has for each of us--death of our old nature so that He might live through us. That may not sell well among outcome-based Christian workplace believers, but it will result in an eternal reward that far exceeds any earthly reward. "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done" (Rev. 22:12).
The Christian life is a paradox--the first will be last, death in return for life, and we are encouraged to offer praise to God to overcome a spirit of heaviness. It requires faith in a God who operates from a different set of values that are sometimes difficult to measure from human standards. Let death work in you a life that only God can raise up.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Prayer Warriors
“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil …” E.M. Bounds
Immanuel Prayer Warriors meet every Monday at noon
to storm the gates of hell!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
VBS Coming soon!
Two words: Real life.
In this day and age, it’s vital that we teach our children that the
Bible is more than just a dusty book of stories. We need to show them
God’s Word connects to every area of our lives and is as relevant today
as it was thousands of years ago, so they will know its amazing
message of salvation is true!
With IncrediWorld Amazement Park, children will learn
about our amazing Creator God and His incredible world! They'll
discover that God's fingerprint can be seen throughout His creation as
they explore the amazingly designed features in the animal kingdom.
And they'll uncover His plan of salvation that unfolded in Genesis and
continued with Jesus's death and Resurrection.
Our Goal
If you asked the children of your church and community how they felt
about the Bible, what would their response be? Would they consider the
Word of God relevant to their lives and interesting to learn from? Or
would it seem irrelevant and trumped by “science”?
A recent survey by America’s Research Group revealed that an
alarming number of young people are leaving the church after they
graduate because their questions about the Bible had not been answered.
Respondents indicated that Sunday School materials were shallow and
irrelevant. Of those polled, 86% had begun to question the Bible by
their high school years. Of those who said they did not believe all the
accounts in the Bible are true, 82% cited doubts about the Bible’s
authority or its trustworthiness.
For more info about VBS CALL 606-528-4975
Friday, May 18, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Dustin Rife - Student Pastor
We have extended the call to Dustin Rife to become our new student pastor. Pastor Nathan will be working closely to Dustin in the transition.
Allen first met Dustin in 1999 in Clintwood. Virginia where Allen was serving as student pastor. Since then, Dustin has received bachelor's from Liberty University and his master's from Liberty Theological Seminary. Dustin is married to Kristen Darden. They have one child, Dylan, with their second child due in June.
Dustin loves the outdoors, mountains, white water rafting, rappelling, caving, hiking, camping, skiing.
Interests include Bible study, survival skills, old cars - especially Corvettes. Dustin has lead a team of four men backpacking through the mountains of Asia handing out Jesus film, radios that broadcast the gospel weekly, and Bibles. He has also taken mission trips to Nicaragua and to the Gulf-Port Mississippi to provide relief work to the victims of Katrina.
For the past four years Dustin has served as Resident Director at Liberty University. In part his responsibilities included the supervision of academic, social, physical and spiritual well-being of 250 students.
Be praying for Dustin, Kristen, Dylan, and the baby on the way as they move to Corbin. You can email Dustin at email address here at Immanuel is
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Marriage Amendment
Jesus said, "for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh". Mathew 19:5
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Flight of Geese
"Also in Judah the
hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out
what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the
Lord." - 2 Chronicles 30:12

A major corporation conducted a study on the flight of geese. In their
study they found that geese fly in a "V" formation with one goose in the
lead. After a period of time, this goose relinquishes the lead to
another goose. During flight they noticed head movements of the leader
that seem to give signals to the other geese flying, perhaps to let the
others know how he was doing. They estimate that the formation flight
pattern reduces wind drag due to the lift the other birds receive and
believe it increases their performance by up to 70 percent. Whenever one
goose drops out, another goes with it. These two geese do not catch up
to the original pack, but join another group later.
Independence is one of the strongholds of the workplace. The entire
system feeds the desire within us to gain recognition from our
individual achievements. We wrongly believe financial independence frees
us from needing to depend on anyone else. The fact is dependence on
others is a good thing. It can bring us into a unity of spirit that
accomplishes much more with less effort while meeting needs for each of
us. Christ talked a lot about unity among brothers and sisters. He said
that others would know we are Christians by our love for one another and
by our unity. We need to depend on others so that we don't go it alone.
By walking together we increase our strength. By going it alone we must
carry a load we were never intended to carry. God did not create us to
go it alone. By joining together we accomplish more for Jesus Christ.
Ask the Lord today if there is an independent spirit within you that
prevents you from joining others in the mission He has called you to.
Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders
Monday, May 7, 2012
Kerri Jones - Faith Story
"Since becoming a Christian the hurt and regret has been lifted from my heart and I can live with happiness that my story will touch someone else".
"One of the biggest changes in my life is I find myself praying all the time, whether it be for strangers or prayer request. I look forward to reading the Bible and building a stronger relationship with my
savior every day".
savior every day".
"My small group with Shane and Jocelyn Sams has been an unbelievable help in my life. It allows us to hold each other accountable for each other’s actions and discus the Bible together".
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Faith, Hope and Love
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Chris & Heather - Marriage Testimony
"So our prayer is that we can be an inspiration to others. When all seems dark and you can't find your way, call on the Lord, give him your all and he will guide you to light. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. If it is worth having then it is worth a battle and God is one you want on your team. We need him by our side in all we do! So now that we have gained a relationship with the Lord, now that we stand for him, we are vowing our commitment to each other. It is this day, April 29th, 2012, we stand with God in our hearts to be joined as one once again. Only this time he will be forever first in all we do. We will live our lives for Him and do as he wants us to do".
Dear God
It's true...I may be the only "Bible" someone ever reads. Please help me
be a living testament that is worth reading. Please work through me and
help me be a light and a shelter for my non-believing friends,
neighbors, coworkers. I am sitting here today, yielded to your will, and
asking you to use me open the eyes of someone who has been blind his or
her whole life. What an incredible blessing it would be to know I am
the instrument you used to bring a person into the Kingdom of God. Lord I
want to hide your Word in my heart so that the Holy Spirit can bring it
to remembrance at all the right times, that the words that come forth
from my mouth would honor you and point other people to you. May you be
lifted high and exalted, praised, and worshiped above all. In Jesus'
name. Amen.
Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and
the ears of those who hear will listen (Isaiah 32:3).
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Amazing Grace
Our water bill has gone up but that ain't bad.
Connect to God
Our weekly worship services are held at 10:45am each Sunday on our beautiful 31 acre campus just west of I-75 on Browning Acres Road in Corbin, KY. In our services, we desire for people to experience communion with their Creator God. We pray each week that some will experience communion with God for the first time and that others will experience a deeper connection with Him.
On Sunday mornings, we also realign ourselves with the mission that Jesus gave His Church before He left this earth. We study the Scriptures and learn the Truth of Jesus so we can live out the Ways of Jesus throughout the week.
We also have full programming for children birth through 4th grade during our worship services. Preschoolers are cared for in a loving, nurturing environment throughout the service. Children kindergarten through 4th grade participate in the first portion of the worship service before being dismissed to their own high-energy, age-appropriate worship environment.
On Sunday evenings, a number of things happen on our campus simultaneously. First, at 5:30pm, our AWANA program begins for children age 2 through 6th grade. We also have a low-key, more intimate Bible study for adults. In addition, we have Bible studies for middle & high school students as well as college and career. Throughout the year, various courses are offered on Sunday evenings such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.
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