"Also in Judah the
hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out
what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the
Lord." - 2 Chronicles 30:12

A major corporation conducted a study on the flight of geese. In their
study they found that geese fly in a "V" formation with one goose in the
lead. After a period of time, this goose relinquishes the lead to
another goose. During flight they noticed head movements of the leader
that seem to give signals to the other geese flying, perhaps to let the
others know how he was doing. They estimate that the formation flight
pattern reduces wind drag due to the lift the other birds receive and
believe it increases their performance by up to 70 percent. Whenever one
goose drops out, another goes with it. These two geese do not catch up
to the original pack, but join another group later.
Independence is one of the strongholds of the workplace. The entire
system feeds the desire within us to gain recognition from our
individual achievements. We wrongly believe financial independence frees
us from needing to depend on anyone else. The fact is dependence on
others is a good thing. It can bring us into a unity of spirit that
accomplishes much more with less effort while meeting needs for each of
us. Christ talked a lot about unity among brothers and sisters. He said
that others would know we are Christians by our love for one another and
by our unity. We need to depend on others so that we don't go it alone.
By walking together we increase our strength. By going it alone we must
carry a load we were never intended to carry. God did not create us to
go it alone. By joining together we accomplish more for Jesus Christ.
Ask the Lord today if there is an independent spirit within you that
prevents you from joining others in the mission He has called you to.
Today God Is First (TGIF) devotional message, Copyright by Os Hillman, Marketplace Leaders
Great post. It is our idea of hierarchy that separates us from having the most full and meaningful relationship possible with God. Even though he is all powerful he desires us to be one with him. Our self-imposed ideology of what relationship truly means prevents us from the complete and perfect power of selflessness. The example that Jesus showed us was not only the awesome power of God, but the possibilities with God even under the limitations of the human body and mind when we are truly unified with the Father.